The most up to date Information about transferring can be found on the SEARK College Website.

Link: Transfer  to SEARK.EDU

STEP #1: What to bring with you when registering

Application for Admission

Immunization Record: Submit copy of Immunization Record if born on or after January 1, 1957, as mandated by ACT 141 of 1987. Incoming freshmen and foreign-born, two doses of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. The Arkansas Dept. of Health must approve any exemptions based on Medical, Religious, or Philosophical reasons.

Driver’s license or state issued photo identification card

ACT or Accuplacer test scores: These scores are used for placement in English, Math, and Reading if you have not successfully passed those courses at the college/university from which you are transferring.

Official copy of your college/university transcripts: Transfer students who have attended another college or university are required to furnish official transcripts when applying for admission. Official transcripts should be mailed to Southeast Arkansas College directly from the sending college, sent electronically, or provided in a sealed envelope. Required documents can be mailed to the address below:


Southeast Arkansas College

1900 Hazel Street

Pine Bluff, AR 71603

STEP #2: Visit the Registrar’s Office

Take required system photo. Students must provide a current photo ID such as a driver’s license. The Registrar's Office located in the Student Services Building, Room 145.

STEP #3: See an Advisor

Prior to registering for classes, each student must see an advisor. Visit the Advising/Retention Center, Room 160 located in the Student Services Building, for advisement and register for classes via WebAdvisor. If you are paying for the classes yourself, without financial aid, staff will assist in setting up a payment plan.

STEP #4: Return to Registrar’s Office

After registering for classes, pick up your Student ID and Parking Permit from the Registrar’s Office. Student IDs must be worn while on campus. There is no charge for the first parking permit, but there is a $5.00 charge for replacement or additional permits. Tickets will be issued if parking on campus without displaying the parking permit.

STEP #5: If Needed, Visit Financial Aid

Students who are receiving any type of financial assistance (or who have applied for financial aid) need to go by the Financial Aid Office for verification. Financial Aid is located in Room 152, in the Student Services Building.

Payment plans can be made online via WebAdvisor or paid in full at the Cashier. See and adhere to payment deadlines to avoid being dropped from your classes.

STEP #6: Purchase Books and Supplies

Visit the Barnes and Noble Bookstore located in College Hall Commons to purchase your books and supplies. It is recommended you have your registration class schedule with you when making your purchase. Bookstore personnel will use your schedule will ensure the correct books are purchased.

Transfer Credit Policy

Transfer students are required to furnish official transcripts from all colleges or universities previously attended.  Once the official transcript has been received by Southeast Arkansas College, the Admissions Office will evaluate in-state transcripts for ACTS courses.  The remaining courses will be evaluated by the Dean of each department for additional courses that will be accepted by Southeast Arkansas Courses.  Also, all out-of-state transcripts will be evaluated by the Dean of each department for transferable coursework.

NOTE: Only courses completed with a ‘C’ or better will be considered for transferability.


Transfer Agreements with Other Institutions

Southeast Arkansas College maintains specialized articulation agreements with a number of institutions in the state, in addition to the Arkansas Course Transfer System, which guarantees transferability of the list of general education courses across institutions.  Students earning the Associate of Arts degrees are guaranteed that all their hours will transfer to another state institution, but students sometimes may still be required to complete institutional requirements, or repeat a course to fulfill requirements at the transfer school as they progress through the baccalaureate degree.