High school students have three options through which they may earn college credit while still in high school.

  1. Concurrent Credit. This option exists when your high school offers a qualified class equivalent to a class offered at SEARK College. The student would take the class at their high school.
  2. Advance Placement. SEARK College will award college credit for successful completion of AP classes at your high school.
  3. Dual Enrollment. High school students who achieve college level scores on the ACT or COMPASS test may take on-campus classes while still in high school.

High school students must meet the general enrollment requirements and present a letter of recommendation from

their high school counselor or principal. High school students must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and the required

college-level test scores to enroll in college courses.

The most up to date information is on the SEARK website.

Link: Concurrent Credit