Have you ever received a text that:

  • is unsolicited?
  • is from an unfamiliar sender?
  • has a link to a strange website?
  • promises something of interest if you visit the site?
  • suggests that a package delivery has/has not occurred, or there may be a fee required before delivery can be made?
  • suggests that a payment could not be processed or a card is on hold, and to click to update your billing information?

If so, you have probably been Smished.    SMS Phishing, or Smishing, is the use of a text messaging service to scam users, rather than email.   The messages are usually vague and share features with Phishing (see this for more information), and should be deleted.

If the sender claims to be affiliated with SEARK College, please report it to the College immediately.

Link: IT Department Contact Information

For more information about Spam Texts, take a look at the Federal Trade Commision's Consumer Advice site: 
